Helpful functions
You have the option to start the game with a tutorial.
To get hints and the ability to skip puzzles, enable EASY mode in OPTIONS (accessible from the MAIN MENU).
Click this button on the right side of the Game Menu bar
to see all available hotspots at a location.
Exploit all dialog options. When you finished a conversation, check again if there is anything else to talk about.
You can interrupt and skip dialogs by clicking (X) in the top right corner of the dialog window, and movies by clicking on the screen. All conversations you have started are recorded in Jonathan’s notebook (find it in the Inventory from day 2). Right-click to open it and find the conversation under the appropriate day (scroll if necessary).
Puzzles have 3 control buttons (top right). You can SKIP a puzzle with the button in the middle (it will be solved automatically). Don’t skip if you want to do a puzzle later, but use the exit button on the right. (The puzzle will reset).
Make sure to check the items in the Inventory (right click), as further action may be possible (zoom in, look down, turn over, read next page, etc.) Sometimes Inventory items can be combined.
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This walkthrough cannot be used without the permission of Private Moon Studios.